Ethereum is an ecosystem that has been built collectively with contributions from around the world. Wish lists help us understand the direction of the ecosystem and where we can make quality contributions. In our case, the wish list is a suggestion of initiatives and ideas that we believe have the potential to improve and strengthen our ecosystem.
Onboarding and community development
Onboarding meetups for NGOs, civil associations, and foundationsTalleres educativos (workshops)
Deliver knowledge about Ethereum technology and its functioningTechnical skill development
Training in key tools for blockchain developmentCommunity engagement and updates
Events to explore and discuss the latest in EthereumSupplement to academic certification based on attestations and NFTs.
Buildhatón held in Santa Cruz, 2024.
A space to share information about blockchain technology and the various developments happening within the Ethereum ecosystem.
A blog aimed at mathematicians and computer scientists who need a more theoretical approach to concepts.
Initiative that proposes pedagogical-didactic mentoring aimed at Web3 industry professionals.